Tag Archives: hair health

Swanson Bamboo Extract: 2-month Update

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I first started using bamboo extract two months ago. I had mixed one-month results. I bought two bottles. Each bottle contains 60 vegetarian capsules and will last 2 months since you only need to take one pill a day. Given that I purchased both bottles for less than $20, this supplement provides pretty good bang for your buck.

After taking this supplement for 8 weeks, my nail health has made a complete 180 turnaround. My weak, brittle nails normally break daily. This bamboo extract seemed to strengthen and lengthen them from the inside out. After only 2 weeks, my nail growth expedited exponentially. In a month’s time, the extract had lengthened my nails to the point of becoming an annoyance (needing to be cut much more frequently than before). After 2 months, I’ve noticed that the condition of my nails have improved drastically. My nails have not just become LONGER but have now become STRONGER as well.

While my hair’s thickness and volume have increased, I have had zero to staggering results. This is likely due to the fact that I have 3 different textures on my head! Watch the following video for a quick summary of my experience after taking bamboo extract for two months.

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Filed under Length Checks, Product Reviews

Super-moisturizing Lavender Hair Spritz

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  1. Add ½ cup of aloe vera juice.
    • Aloe vera juice relieves itchy, dry scalps and acts as a conditioning agent that reduces frizz.
    • I buy the Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Juice. It comes in a large 1 gallon jug and has a shelf life of 1 ½ – 2 years (when stored properly in the fridge).
  2. Add ½ cup of rose water.
    • Rosewater helps to balance the pH of skin.
    • It has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce and prevent irritated skin and clogged pores.
    • It’s antioxidant properties strengthens and regenerates skin cells.
    • Rose water also hydrates and refreshes hair, and helps with the retention of moisture.
    • I love the rose water by Heritage Store.
  3. Add ½ cup of distilled (not tap) water.
    • If you live in a hard water area like I do, this is a CRUCIAL step.
    • It is imperative that you use distilled (or filtered) water. Don’t use tap water, especially if you are unsure of the water content (or if you have never tested your water)!
  4. Add ⅓ cup of vegetable glycerin.
    • Glycerin is a natural humectant. It helps to attract and retain moisture to your hair’s follicles.
    • I adore the 100% pure version from NOW Solutions. It never fails to soften and moisturize my parched tresses!
  5. Add ½ teaspoon of vitamin e oil.
    • Vitamin e oil has anti-aging properties that prevent damaging effects from the environment (e.g., free radicals).
    • This nutrient-rich oil heals and repairs skin and hair.
    • It is also an antioxidant that helps to keep the spritz fresh by extending the shelf life.
    • After trying several brands, I’ve locked onto Sundown Naturals vitamin e oil.
  6. Add 2030 drops of lavender essential oil.
  7. Shake vigorously to incorporate all ingredients, and enjoy!

After tinkering with the proportions for two months, this has become my go-to daily hair moisturizer. I use it on my twist-outs, wash ‘n gos, protective styles, everything! When nothing else will moisturize my hair, this will. Trust!

Follow-up with your fave oil. I normally gravitate to whipped shea butter but, this summer, I’ve been reaching for extra virgin olive oil more frequently. Just use what your hair loves.



Filed under Science Lab

DIY Multi-use Beauty Spritz Recipe

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This blog post contains affiliate links (e.g., to Amazon, eBay, etc.), which means that if you click on one of the product links and place an order, I’ll receive a small commission. This helps support my blog and allows me to continue to create content like this.
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  1. Place 1 part pure vegetable glycerin into a spray bottle.
  2. Add distilled (not tap) water.
    • Add 4 parts water for oily skin.
    • Add 3 parts water for combination skin.
    • Add 2 parts water for dry skin.
    • Add 2-3 drops of your favorite essential oil (i.e., tea tree, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, etc).
    • Substitute 1 part rose water for 1 part distilled water if you have extreme redness in your skin.
    • Substitute 1 part witch hazel for 1 part distilled water if the mixture is too “sticky” for your taste.
  4. Shake vigorously until well mixed.
  5. USES: 
    • Set your makeup. 
    • Moisturize your skin. 
    • Refresh your face after an intense workout session (esp. if you use lavender or peppermint essential oils). 
    • Moisturize and add shine to your hair.
  6. Enjoy!

I use the recipe above for setting my makeup and as a skin refresher after an intense workout. For my daily hair moisturizer, I use 4 parts water to 1 part glycerin, add about a tablespoon of castor oil to the solution for additional hair health benefits, and complete the spritz with 10-15 drops of tea tree essential oil. This is my go-to DIY spritz.


Filed under Science Lab